United states
3737 Buffalo Speedway
Suite 700
Houston, TX 77098
Tel: +1 713 225 5965
Our Houston office is our U.S. Headquarters. OGAM, LP is registered with the Securities Exchange Commission as an Investment Adviser. The company is also registered with the U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a commodity pool operator and is a member of the U.S. National Futures Association (NFA).
United Kingdom
Orchard Global Asset Management LLP
Registered in England No. OC340921
Level 16, 100 Bishopsgate
London, UK, EC2N 4AG
Tel: +44 207 060 0088
Orchard Global Asset Management LLP is authorized by the UK FCA as an AIF Manager. The company is also registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator and is a member of the NFA. It is an Investment Adviser with the SEC.
Orchard Global Asset Management (S) Pte. Ltd. (MAS)
9 Raffles Place
Republic Plaza, #25-01
Singapore 048619
Tel: +65 6238 5775
Orchard Global Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd holds a Capital Markets Services Licence from the MAS. The company is also registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator and is a member of the NFA. It is an exempt reporting adviser with the SEC.
2 Bloor Street East
Suite 2200A
Toronto, ON, M4W 1A8
Tel: +1 416 603 8788
OGAM Ltd is registered with the OSC in the categories of Portfolio Manager and Exempt Market Dealer. The company is also registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator and is a member of the NFA.
United states
New York
461 Fifth Avenue
26th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 646 201 9205
Our New York office is a branch location. OGAM, LP is registered with the SEC as an Investment Adviser. The company is also registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator and is a member of the NFA.
South Korea
Representative Office of Orchard Global Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd
21F, S-tower1, 82 Saemunan-ro
Jongro-gu, Seoul, 03185, Korea
Tel: +82 2 767 2715
Orchard Global Asset Management (S) Pte Ltd holds a Capital Markets Services Licence from the MAS. The company is also registered with the CFTC as a commodity pool operator and is a member of the NFA. It is an exempt reporting adviser with the SEC.